28 Ways to be a Better Lover
A month long celebration of love, romance, and spicy connections.
Day 11 - The Dance of Intimacy
It has always been my secret passion to be a great dancer.
It is my secret passion to have the perfect dance partner.
The perfect dance?
Oblivion - The Tango of Intimacy
A dance brimming with passion.
Who says it better than Robert Frost?
"Dancing is a vertical expression of horizontal desires."
The moment you step close, pulses quicken. You can feel the arousal,
the heat in each other's body. And then with just the lightest touch of your hands
on each other electrifying the moment, the energy turns into action and you begin to move together...
it is like poetry in motion.
How do you describe the sensations when you dance with a lover?
The writer of tangocorazon.wordpress.com, who has a life long search for the essence of tango, uses these adjectives to describe tango:
Dynamic, sensual, social, fascinating, playful, romantic, improvisational, elegant, fun, challenging, transcendent, accessible, clear, vivacious, luscious, graceful, refined, superlative, awesome, sublime, frisky, lively, captivating, alluring, intriguing, delightful, pleasurable, and mysterious.
These are perfect adjectives to describe the relationship between two lovers as well. Use these adjectives as creative inspiration to create a dance of intimacy with your partner.
Take a step further and actually take dance lessons with your sweetheart. It would be a wonderful gift for the upcoming romantic holiday.
For further inspiration, a performance of the simply outstanding Mark Morris Dance Group at The Paramount Theatre in Seattle, February 14 through 16, 2014.
New Love Song Waltzes, which has become something of a signature piece of the company, gives expression to an all-embracing amorous gusto.
Love Song Waltzes is, in comparison, a more thoughtful, more restrained view of passion.
Two ravishing dance works are performed to Brahms’ song cycles, Neue Liebeslieder Walzer and Liebeslieder Walzer. They effect a deeply affecting homage to loving relationships of every kind and size. Set to Brahms’ Liebesliederwalzer, Op. 52, and Neue Liebesliederwalzer, Op. 65, they paint a revealing picture of love in our time.
Any way you choose to consider dance, celebrate the expression of passion in this art form as indeed another way to be a better lover.