28 Ways to be a Better Lover
A month long celebration of love, romance, and spicy connections.
Day 5 - Flower Power
Flowers are always a romantic gift to give in this month celebrating Valentine's Day. What can you do to make it a bit special? Perhaps consider a potted flowering plant that could be transplanted into the garden when it is warmer, or continue to bloom all year round in the house. That way your thoughtfulness is a constant reminder to your lover. I must confess that I have potted plants from loving admirers all throughout my little Love Nest and Secret Garden - Christmas Cactus, Shamrocks, Ivy, Bleeding Heart, Orchids, and more. As much as I adore a beautiful bouquet of cut flowers, I love pampering my plant gift and remembering special times with a special someone.
Now, take one more step along the garden path and, if you have someone in your life who has a real thing for flowers (like me), you might consider the wonderful romantic gesture of taking them to the Northwest Flower and Garden Show, taking place at the Convention Center right now through this weekend. Just think of how your lover's desire will blossom to thank you properly for such a thoughtful gift of spending time with you in the beautiful gardens displayed at the show.
And then you can test yourself on the first 5 days of suggestions of 28 Ways to be a Better Lover and see if your lover fully blooms from your attention to kissing, play, undressing, aphrodisiacs, and a gift of flowers.
On a personal note ~ share what's blooming in your life with your lover. Winter is the perfect time to plant the seeds of dreams, thoughts, and new ideas. You may be surprised and delighted to find what new growth appears from sharing your dreams with someone who is deeply intimate with you. Of course I'm not just talking about the growth you experience every time you are with your lover, but most certainly there would be growth in revealing and reveling in new ways to experience pleasure with your lover.
See what interesting things pop up and, if you need even more inspiration, I'd love to plant a few bouquets of kisses on you to see where you'd like to bloom.