Thursday, March 12, 2015

- W - O - M - A - N -

What an exciting weekend, full of events to support International Women's Day, celebrating women and raising awareness of gender equality!

I love being a woman.  I AM a strong, empowered, independent woman, which makes some men cringe.  Recently I read a fellow writing with contempt about feminists, claiming they are men-bashers.  I am a feminist, but I adore men.  How can I bash anyone when I believe in equality regardless of gender, religion, race, background, sexual orientation, or abilities.  Have I left ANY one out?!

I AM also a feminine, soft, gentle woman, which seems to make those same men desire my company.  I suppose I am a dichotomy of sorts, but I like that I am well-rounded in body, mind, and spirit, and whole-heartedly support nurturing and developing both the feminine and masculine within us all.  Why shouldn't we be celebrating the achievements and skills of all?  I especially love connecting with those men who accept me just as I am, and find me a charming, stimulating companion.

Here is an interesting study that suggests men and women are really not that different at all -

Interestingly enough, my younger years were spent not so much as an empowered woman, but as one suffering great struggles and tribulation.  It may not come as such a surprise to know then, how I've embraced my explorations in sensual domination with great zeal.  It takes a unique person to participate in such affairs, along with a deeper understanding of power exchange and the rules of consensuality, for it is within this vulnerable exploration of surrender that healing, balance, and acceptance occur.  Here is what has emerged in me -

Here I stand.  I AM  W - O - M - A - N  !


Anonymous said...

Terrific post Joyful. Loved the music videos. My generation. Eager to meet you. B

Joy said...

Thank you! I would look forward to hearing from you. Joy

ponder1973 said...

Hello wonderful woman!

I share your sentiments. I feel "empowered" is a natural state of being for women. I'm not sure why some women lose that natural independence.

Some feminists hate men. It seems people who hate yell the loudest, making it hard to hear the message of the rest who don't hate.

Thank you for being a person who is an equal and doesn't hate.