Sunday, May 20, 2012

An Erotic Story

A Joyfull Occasion

Yes! I finally got a chance to meet her. I was in Seattle last week and I've always been intrigued by Joyfull and her writings, so meeting her was a top priority.

She is so cute! I don't know how others perceive her but I found her to be pert, frisky, and refined. She was salacious and.... and.. muy sabrosa? She really is a Joy and quite petite. I found myself laughing the next day while thinking I had managed to put a little Joy in my evening. She seems quite artistic and educated so I do regret looking at her the same way a big dog looks at a petite fillet mignon.

Is this the kind of girls found on this side of town? Why didn't one of you tell me this?

I need to see her again and next time its going to be more than playing footsies under the table and a intimate moment by the lake.