Saturday, March 17, 2012

Behind The Green Door

There is a green room
wherein awaits a red-haired vixen
casually sprawled out on a green chair
with toes bare and sinking into the plush green rug. 

One arm stretched upward in languor
the other lazily pressed betwixt open thighs
as probing fingers encircle the triangle
throbbing with heat and glistening with excitement.

Gazing with heavy hooded eyes upon the erotic visuals of
the classic adult film ~ Behind The Green Door,
she is drawn further into the sultry scene,
adding her quickening breath to those of orgasmic participants,
imagining her lover between her thighs, his tongue instead of her fingers,
and his eyes gazing upward at her face as she watches intently
the story escalating to a frenzied conclusion.

A sultry scene awaits you behind my green door.