Thursday, February 13, 2014


28 Ways to be a Better Lover

A month long celebration of love, romance, and spicy connections.


 Day 13 - Star Gazing



What better time than a Full Moon evening to gaze up at the stars.  Surely you've experienced a romantic night with a lover, enjoying the Full Moon's enchantment.  As a teen, I recall parking at an overlook and admiring the night sky, as well as being all starry-eyed with the sexy person next to me....that is, until the policeman rapped on the car window and told us to move along.  We couldn't see him approaching because the car windows were fogged up.  Bring back memories?


If you are a serious stargazer, you'll know that the right place and the right moment, maybe even the right telescope or binoculars are needed to notice the small things. 


Isn't that a lot like having a lover?  If you watch them closely enough, you'll come to realize that they have certain ways about them that you will come to adore.  You come to be attuned with their bodies, with what charges them up and makes them feel good.  Most people only see these things after a long time in their relationships, but if you get a head start noticing those small details, you can be a better lover right now with the one you're with.


By all means, be starry-eyed and enjoy the rush of excitement, but if you balance that with paying attention to details, you'll fly to the moon and back!