Saturday, March 17, 2012

Behind The Green Door

There is a green room
wherein awaits a red-haired vixen
casually sprawled out on a green chair
with toes bare and sinking into the plush green rug. 

One arm stretched upward in languor
the other lazily pressed betwixt open thighs
as probing fingers encircle the triangle
throbbing with heat and glistening with excitement.

Gazing with heavy hooded eyes upon the erotic visuals of
the classic adult film ~ Behind The Green Door,
she is drawn further into the sultry scene,
adding her quickening breath to those of orgasmic participants,
imagining her lover between her thighs, his tongue instead of her fingers,
and his eyes gazing upward at her face as she watches intently
the story escalating to a frenzied conclusion.

A sultry scene awaits you behind my green door.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

An Erotic Story

Enjoy Joy ~ Mischievous and Mirthful

Joy is everything her name implies. Though I've met her before, each encounter has been delightfully different.

Our date was very engaging on all levels. Joy's sensuality mixed with just the right amount of mischievousness kept my senses at a heightened state for the entire time. From the moment she spoke beautifully untranslated French and the various positions that followed made time go by so fast that it didn't seem possible. All I could think of on the drive home was how much more there is to enjoy in Joy the next time.

An Erotic Story

My Passionate Mistress


I just saw a note from Joyfull and was reminded of the wonderful times I’ve had in her company so I decided to write this erotic story. I confess that my silence is pure selfishness on my part, as I’d love to have this lady all to myself. If you enjoy the company of an intelligent, mature, sensual woman then you won’t find a better companion. Her attention to detail is so seductive I feel like I’m visiting my mistress. From the email exchanges before each visit to the usual call-in and texting the day we get together, she keeps the excitement building. The showers, foot washing, mouthwash cocktails, candles and soft music all convey her passionate sensibilities. Joyful is very visual, her writing, photos and charming place reflect an eclectic charm and relaxed decorum that will have you feeling pampered. This lady truly delights in bringing pleasure to her partner; exploring her soft full curves in a variety of positions is a sensually nourishing experience of the highest order.

An Erotic Story

Warm, Wet, and Wonderful

I have seen Joy twice before, but this time we tried a couple new things. One was a vibrating ---- ring, which definitely added to the sensations. The other was allowing Joy to apply half of her shibari ropes to me. My hands were tied, but not my feet. But we started with some cuddling in the bathtub, where Joy fed me some strawberries; very nice. Then we moved to the bed, where Joy applied the ropes, as I lay spread-eagled while she began wonderful, warm, wet, slow, soft, deep kisses.