Sunday, October 19, 2014

Why It Is Wise to Worship A Woman

I found this article so remarkably perfect, that I felt I must post it here:

The article in its entirety may be found here:

A few days ago, after a particularly exquisite evening with my wife Chameli, I put this post up on Facebook before going to bed:

"I have had many, many great teachers in my life. A super abundance. No one and nothing comes close to the woman who is now asleep in the bedroom. My marriage has become the guru, the salvation, the muse, the crack through which the divine shines through." 

When I woke up the next morning, there were the usual offerings of people who liked the post as well as comments. One man had the vulnerability and courage to post this on facebook: 

"Thank you Arjuna for this sharing, I feel like [I'm] in front of a choice which is between feeling envious of what you have and I don't, or instead to decide that 'I want that too,' and, as you show, it is possible..." 
I was touched. 

Over the next days, I got several more messages like this from men: vulnerable men, honest men, rare and courageous men. They came in as private messages on Facebook or through our website, and they all said basically the same thing: "I read your Facebook post. I want what you have. Show me how to get it." So, friends, here it is. The short guide on how to worship a woman, and why it's the wisest thing that a man can do. First of all, lets pop a few very understandable doubts that you might have. I'm familiar with all of them. 

1. "I'm wounded and damaged in my relationships to the feminine."
So am I, dear brother, so am I. My parents divorced in a messy way when I was four. I grew up alone with my mother. She did her very best to provide for me, but she was unhappy and insecure. By the time I started to have relationships with women myself in my early teens, I discovered that I had a mountain of resentments, fears, and separation in my relation to the feminine. The conscious practice of worship can become a part of healing the wounds. 

2. "Arjuna, you're lucky. You've got an incredible partner. I'm together with a woman who's not like Chameli." 

I really don't have the ultimate answer to that doubt or question. It certainly could seem to be the case that I've been lucky in finding a great woman, but here's how it happened for me. I've had a lot of less lucky connections in my life. I've experienced my share of the manipulative side of the feminine: the victim, the rageful, the vengeful. And I have seen the ugly side of the masculine psyche in myself. A few weeks prior to meeting Chameli, my wife, something deep and profound shifted in me, which I believe can shift for anyone in the same way. 

3. "I don't have a partner at all, and I sometimes doubt if I'll ever meet anybody."
Being with a partner where worship is not flowing, or not being with a partner at all, are basically two aspects of the same situation: you've had an intuition or a glimpse of the possibilities of a deeper love, and you want more of it. The solutions are the same. 

4. "I feel my heart is closed down. I live in my head a lot, and I wouldn't even know what worship was if it broke into my house at 2 o'clock in the morning and held me at gunpoint."
That's where the whole thing starts for all of us, when we realize that we don't yet know how to love. And that's that the big question that you have to consider: "Is that okay with me?" Never mind how much money you make, or how many friends you have on Facebook, no matter how nice a house you live in, or no matter how big a car you drive, no matter how impressive your partner's bust size, or how much you meditate and become spiritual... have you loved for real, in a total and undefended way? If not, and here's where you have to be honest with yourself, is that OK with you? Is it OK to die one day without the heart's gift having been fully given? 

Eight or nine years ago, I came to that question in myself, exactly that, and I discovered that the answer was, if I was was raw and vulnerable and uncomplicated, that it was actually not OK. If I died one day without having fully loved, it would not have truly been a life well lived. 

Many many years ago, I went to Bali for a vacation, on my own. I met up with some other young travelers there and we hired a Jeep to take us on a tour of the island. We drove up right to the highest point of the island, where Tourists don't usually go. Our guide took us to one of the most sacred temples. It was surrounded by a big brick wall with an ornate entrance. After removing our shoes and wrapping scarves around our heads, we stepped together through this entrance. Inside, there was a short courtyard and then another brick wall with another entrance. After more preparations of lighting incense and giving offerings, we stepped through the second entrance. We were allowed to go through the opening in one more wall, but that was it. All together there were ten walls around the deity in the middle. Hindus could go beyond the fourth wall. Devotees of that particular deity could go beyond the fifth wall, and so it went on. The only people allowed to approach the deity directly were those who had given their lives completely and totally to its worship. Everyone else could come a little closer, a little closer, to the innermost beauty, but not all the way to the center. 

I'm not a big believer of the worship of statues, but there's a beautiful symbolism to what I saw there, because a woman's heart is just like that. At the essence of every woman's heart is the divine feminine. It contains everything that has ever been beautiful, or lovely, or inspiring, in any woman, anywhere, at any time. The very essence of every woman's heart is the peak of wisdom, the peak of inspiration, the peak of sexual desirability, the peak of soothing, healing love. The peak of everything. But it's protected, for good reason, by a series of concentric walls. To move inwardly from one wall to the next requires that you intensify your capacity to devotion, and as you do so, you are rewarded with Grace. This is not something you can negotiate verbally with a woman. She doesn't even know consciously how to open those gates herself. They are opened magically and invisibly by the keys of worship. 

If you stand on the outside of the outermost wall, all you have available to you, like many other unfortunate men, is pornography. For $1.99 a minute, you can see her breasts, maybe her vagina, and you can stimulate yourself in a sad longing for deeper love. 

Step through another gate, and she will show you her outer gift-wrapping. She'll look at you with a certain twinkle in her eye. She'll answer your questions coyly. She'll give you just the faintest hint that there is more available. 

Step through another gate with your commitment, with your attention, with the small seedlings of devotion, and she'll open her heart to you more. She'll share with you her insecurities, the way that she's been hurt, her deepest longings. Some men will back away at this point. They realize that the price they must pay to go deeper is more than they are willing to give. They start to feel a responsibility. But for those few who step though another gate, they come to discover her loyalty, her willingness to stick with you no matter what, her willingness to raise your children, stick up for you in conversation, and, if you are lucky, even pick up your dirty socks now and then. And so it goes on. You've got the gist by now. 

Somewhere around the second wall from the center, she casts the veils of her personality aside, and shows you that she is both a human being and also a portal into something much greater than that. She shows you a wrath that is not hers, but all women's. She shows you a patience that is also universal. She shows you her wisdom. At this point you start to experience the archetypes of women, who have been portrayed as goddesses and mythological figures in every tradition. 

Then, at the very center, in the innermost temple itself, all the layers of your devotion are flooded with reward all at once. You discover the very essence of the feminine, and in a strange way that is not exactly romantic, but profoundly sacred all the same, you realize that you could have got here with any woman if you had just been willing to pass through all the layers of initiation. Any woman is every woman, and every woman is any woman at the same time. When you love a woman completely, at the very essence of her being, this is the one divine feminine flame. It is what has made every woman in history beautiful. It's the flame behind the Mona Lisa, and Dante's Beatrice, and yes, also Penelope Cruz and Heidi Klum. You discover the magic ingredient which has lead every man to fall in love with a woman. 

When you learn how to pay attention to the essence of the feminine in this way, you fall to the floor in full body prostration, tears soaking your cheeks and clothes, and you wonder how you could have ever taken Her, in all of Her forms, for granted even for a second. 

So just a couple small questions remain. First, do you get what I'm talking about? Does it jive for you? Does it make sense? And second, if yes, how are you going to get from where you are now to being able to the full capacity of your heart to love for real? I'd be glad to share more about this if we get to know each other better, but here's how you get started. 

First, do what I did, and create an altar in your room dedicated to Divine Feminine. Put only symbols of the feminine on it. I have a painting called "Beatrix" by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. I have a statue of Quan Kin. Populate your altar with anything that reminds you of the feminine, and spend a few minutes of the day in worship. Yes, worship. Adoration. Devotion. Offer up rose petals. Offer poems. Offer everything, and beg Her to reveal Her innermost essence to you. This will work miracles whether you're single and waiting to meet the right woman or whether you're already in relationship and long to meet your woman in a deeper way. 

The second way to get started: make a practice, a discipline, of telling your woman, or any woman, ten times a day something which you adore about her. "I love the smell of your shampoo." "I love the way you laugh." "The color of your eyes is so beautiful." Of course, you need to keep it appropriate. You can go as far out on a limb as you like if you're in relationship with a woman, but with anyone else remember the gates. Keep you communication appropriate to the gate number that you find yourself at. Appreciation the curve of a woman's breast, for example, if she happens to be the cashier at the supermarket, would equate more to harassment than worship. So here's enough to get started. Of course, there's a lot more we can say about this. Feel free to post your comments below, and I'll use them as the foundation for future blogs. 


I will comment as a vulnerable women, an honest woman, and a rare and courageous woman, that some great women (like myself) seek a great man who can think like this.
(my Divine Feminine)

It is true.  I will repeat a portion on the author's writing for it touches me on such a profound level, that it surprises even me.  "At the essence of every woman's heart is the divine feminine. It contains everything that has ever been beautiful, or lovely, or inspiring, in any woman, anywhere, at any time. The very essence of every woman's heart is the peak of wisdom, the peak of inspiration, the peak of sexual desirability, the peak of soothing, healing love. The peak of everything. But it's protected, for good reason, by a series of concentric walls. To move inwardly from one wall to the next requires that you intensify your capacity to devotion, and as you do so, you are rewarded with Grace. This is not something you can negotiate verbally with a woman. She doesn't even know consciously how to open those gates herself. They are opened magically and invisibly by the keys of worship."

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Kinky Boots

So, my gentleman friend tells me he is coming to town to see Kinky Boots.  I told him he could come by and see my kinky boots.

Like these...

Or maybe these...

Though I'm a bit partial to these red ones...

And you know I can't resist a bit of bondage with a sexy pair of boots...

But I knew that he was going to see the musical, which I hear has a great score by Cyndi Lauper.  I'm told it is an emotional button-pusher about finding your passion, overcoming prejudice, and transcending stereotypes.  Hmm, button-pusher - check, finding your passion - check, overcoming prejudice - check, transcending stereotypes - check.  Sounds like me in a nutshell!

I'm going to have to make a point of seeing this show, but I knew he would not be able to include me, at least this time, on one his few opportunities to get to Seattle.  So, I invited him to take a peek at these boot selections and pick out his favorite for our next steamy visit.   I'll make sure give him the whole picture, so to speak. Which ones would you pick?

From the musical:  "The sex is in the heel, so just embrace it."

A round robin of thanks, plus an erotic story/role-play extraordinaire with the Professor and Grad Student

I always like to thank my playmates for taking the time out of their busy schedules to unwind with me.  And indulging in so many pleasurable activities with me too!  But here is a reply to a thanks I sent my gentleman friend:

You are going to thank ME???  Are you crazy?  It ain't me that deserves thanks.
That was incredible - I am still quivering.
If heaven is as good as the pleasure you provide, then sign me up and I promise to do whatever it takes to get there.
Thank you so much - I know you like the role-play where you are portraying a character, but the real You really is an amazing person.  I hope you know how special you are.
I am so glad I met you.

Now, you must understand, this is a playmate who has a brilliant mind for creating role-play scenes extraordinaire.  Our most recent scene included a codgy old professor who believed that mind over matter prevailed over anything.  I played a determined grad student convinced that outside influence can overwhelm even the strongest of human minds.  Here is how it unfolded:

I am an eager-to-please grad student in the psychology department of Yale University (known for its stuffy thinking that does not acknowledge new realities).
He will play a stuffy old professor, head of the department, who thinks he knows everything and no new theory can change his mind about anything.
After all my studies, I am convinced that there are firm limits to the ability of the human mind to control its own reactions.  I am convinced that even the best of us is not as strong as he/she appears, and that outside influence can overwhelm even the strongest of human minds.
After decades of self-congratulation for being oh so smart and capable, the old professor is completely entrenched in his own contention that if you have a highly capable mind, you have the power to control everything about your environment, including any reaction to outside stimuli.  Given a strong enough mind, he completely believes in mind over matter, that the strong mind can resist any outside influence.  His entire career in psychology is based on acceptance of this thesis.
Naturally there is friction between myself and the professor.  Despite his outward dismissal of my work, he has actually paid serious attention to my studies because they challenge his beliefs.  He wishes to regard me as merely a foolish student daring to challenge his decades of wisdom, but secretly he is terrified that I am correct.  Since he regards my ideas as so obviously silly (but ominously threatening to his career), he has no intention of allowing me to graduate and have a career.
And so I challenge him to submit to an experiment.  What the experiment is, I will not say.  But I have invited him to my home and say that I will prove to him that even the strongest of human minds will fail in the face of overwhelming stimuli, and I will prove this in such a convincing manner that he will be forced to repudiate the thesis that has defined his entire career.
His arrogance compels him to comply and submit to my experiment.  He cannot believe that a mere student could possibly disprove any of his cherished concepts.
For my part, I see past his stodgy arrogance, - even though just a grad student, I see the desires within him and how he cannot control them despite his public statements.  I see his vulnerability even when he does not.
The experiment is very simple - I will provide stimulation and if his mind is truly capable, he will be able resist his arousal and prove me a fool.  Being a mere grad student, even though I disagree with my Department Head, I am still in awe of him, and I realize that I must deliver stimulation so off-the-charts that even his remarkable mind will not be able to resist.  But I accept the challenge - I believe in myself and what I have learned about human behavior.  I know I must drive him so crazy with desire that he has no choice but to agree with my thesis that the human mind is forever flawed and victim to whatever outside stimuli are strong enough to overwhelm it.

Who do you think proved to be correct?

Monday, October 6, 2014

An Erotic Story - Seducing the Seductress

I'd seen Joy writing about making symphonic melodies with her gentleman friend. Or perhaps becoming a teacher's pet. What really seduced my mind and senses was right here on her most recent blog postings.
And as I reached out and made contact with Miss Joyfull, well, it was on. It was a cool, slow rain evening when I did so. Very much like the night of our first encounter in which she helped me celebrate my birthday.
And with one message the flirting began. When could we make a meeting happen. Quite the mind stimulation going back and forth while she was out to dinner with friends and I was at dinner by my lonesome. But it was all too sudden. And the energy we were building would have to wait. And I was then commanded by Miss J.F. to not release myself. She wanted that all to herself.
And it was all that I could do from releasing myself. The photos and stories from her blog had my mind (and loins) yearning. But I did not do so for fear of incurring the wrath of Miss J.F. who I had yet to fully encounter.
The evening came/went as well as the next day. We decided it best that I come visit her in her love lair b/c I had a late day working and business dinner with colleagues. And it was with much haste that I made my way instinctually to her abode.
And it was when I crossed her threshold that the sparks/energy flew. She noted that I had a beard and I might scratch her delicate skin. But I told her not to worry as I kissed her on her shoulders and the nape of her neck. I told her I very much approved of the satin/stockings she was wearing.
We skipped her typical foot ritual to allow me to shower off after sharing some wine. We retired upstairs to Miss J.F.'s love chamber. She said she would introduce me to Miss J.F. if I so dared. And I told her that was not out of the realm of possibility.
All that transpired over the next hour plus was a slow and sensual sharing of pleasure. We tested the strength of her bed chamber and exchanged multiple linguistic lessons.
She had told me she was surprised at the end of our encounter as she felt like she had been seduced by me.
Miss Joyfull is such a wonderful woman and person. Her playfulness and sensuality abound. There is no mistaking the amount of pleasure she derives from giving (but this time receiving).
And in the end we were both satisfied from a follow-up encounter. And the hope remains that one day I'll cross that threshold to meet Miss J.F. Or perhaps to fulfill a bucket list of FMF with Miss Joyfull and one of her friends.
Miss Joyfull is such a treasure.. Her lovers are quite spoiled to have such a fine woman/person with whom to share memories.

My place or yours next time Miss Joyfull?

Friday, October 3, 2014

I KNEW it was going to be a good day!

The Northwest Chocolate Festival is happening this weekend!
If you love chocolate and its aphrodisial properties,
you won't want to miss this event.
The only thing better than this morning when I woke up
listening to this song...
...would be waking up with you and
planning for a chocolate adventure this weekend..
...and having you paint my nipple with chocolate.
Wouldn't you agree?