Friday, February 7, 2014

Hot. Cool. Yours.

28 Ways to be a Better Lover

A month long celebration of love, romance, and spicy connections.


Day 7 - Turn up the Heat

I love science, research, and sex.  Not necessarily in that order.  I do a lot of research and reading.  Here is what I found on to give you a new way to be a better lover:


Climate is crucial for climax


Egyptian cotton and dimmer switches can't hurt, but your love chamber's thermostat is just as important, according to Dutch sex researchers. “At the beginning of our trials, only 50 per cent of our female subjects were able to reach orgasm," says study author Dr Gert Holstege, chairman of the centre for uro-neurology at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. “But we learned they were uncomfortable because they had cold feet. We gave them socks and 80 per cent reached orgasm."

(I laugh when I read this for I have a lover who insists on keeping on his socks!)
The socks aren't the secret, though. "The amygdala and prefrontal cortex – the brain areas responsible for anxiety, fear, and danger signals - strongly decrease their activation during orgasm." says Holstege. "A pleasant environment, which includes the room temperature, is an important part of making her feel safe, secure and comfortable."

"Imagine the ideal day at the beach," says Tristan Taormino, a director for adult movie company Vivid Entertainment in the US. "You want it just warm enough that she's happy to shed a layer or two, but not so hot that you'll end up drenched once you exert yourself."

Let's shiver with excitement as we claim each others heart and soul 

and turn up the heat!


P.S.  How many of my readers knew that Hot. Cool. Yours. was the slogan of the 

2014 Winter Olympic Games?