Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Once in a Blue Moon.........I need a helping hand!

Can you believe August is a Blue Moon Month?  If you are anything like me, I find full moon energy to be quite compelling.  Just seeing it fills me with a sense of awe and magic.  I want to dig my hands in deep and explore all things hedonistic.  Lust and lasciviousness prevail.  Just think, August will have two full moons!  This will be an exciting month for sure and I'm hoping you'll have a hand in the exploration of that.

So, speaking of needing a hand, or giving you something to do with your hands, I just had to share the following article with you....for who wouldn't like to save all mankind?  ;)

How a Woman’s Orgasm Can Save a Man
Hugo Schwyzer

Can teaching guys how to give women orgasms prevent the much-heralded "end of men"? As far-fetched as it sounds, one rapidly growing organization claims that equipping men to make women come is the solution to the much-vaunted masculinity crisis.

"Learn Orgasmic Meditation and everything that goes with it," urges the website for One Taste, a San Francisco-based organization that promises to help women move beyond the pursuit of a quick climax and into the realm of the 15-minute orgasm....

The basic technique of OM hasn't changed in recent years: a "stroker" caresses what Daedone claims is a woman's most sensitive spot, the upper-left quadrant of the clitoris. The "stroker" (almost always a man) is fully clothed; the woman being stroked is only naked from the waist down. The traditional practice lasts 15 minutes; rather than producing a single sharp climax, an OM is an extended orgasm that may or may not have a distinct peak. When Salon's sex writer Tracy Clark-Flory observed a public OM session, she found it "arousing and deeply bizarre."

Men stroke; women are stroked. ... She claims that an experienced male stroker can receive every bit as much ecstasy from OM as the woman whose clitoris he's caressing.

But the real payoff of OM for a man goes beyond his delight in watching a woman orgasm beneath his fingertip. ... OM gives men a sense of mastery, not just of women's bodies, but of themselves. If it's true that there's nothing straight men want to know more than to how to please a woman, then it follows that if they figure out how to do that well and consistently, they'll receive a boost of confidence that will bleed over into every other aspect of their lives.

Ken Blackman, a 48 year-old former Apple software engineer who is now One Taste's "senior stroker," told me that One Taste had transformed his life. He came to the OM practice as a self-described "short nerd" who was desperate to learn tips for becoming great in bed. What he found instead was a whole new way of relating to women and to himself. According to Blackman, becoming a great stroker (Daedone praises him as among the very best she's taught) has little to do with technique and more to do with cultivating "a talent for play." "Women want men who have a demonstrated capacity for handling the truth," he says; "OM teaches guys how not to be intimidated by the full intensity of women's hunger."

Pick-up artists often promise male clients the same thing: insight into "what women really want" as well as an injection of much-needed confidence. When I ask Blackman about the comparison between OM and the purveyors of "game," he acknowledges the similarity but suggests One Taste offers a more collaborative view of heterosexual relations. "Pick-up artists turn women into a formula: ‘say this line and she'll go to bed with you.' OM gives guys a compass for how to interact with women as equals."...  

As Daedone explains, OM doesn't just get women off –- it gives them the tools to ask for what they want in every area of life in every area of life. Women who've been raised to believe that men will run from women's rage discover that in OM, guys develop the skill, the resilience, and the maturity to show up and stay present. "It's made me much more attractive to women," says Blackman. He's not just talking about the digital skills that have made him senior stroker; he's talking about the emotional competence he's developed....

... Men can learn not to fear women's sexuality, not by asserting control over it but, as Blackman says, by "learning to dance with it." In the words of one of the year's biggest country hits, the solution to the man malaise may lie in giving guys what they really want: "Something to Do with My Hands." OM is far from the only solution to the current crisis, and for a lot of us, it may be one of the oddest. But for its growing number of devotees, it's surely the most pleasurable.

Read more here -

Couldn't we all use encouragement with communication, confidence, and connecting? It's not a perfect article. But I'll bet it made you smile. I sure am, thinking of the intensity I can feel your fingertips....

 I'm st(r)oked!